Another Eden

A seed, some as large as a coconut, others as small as a mustard seed. They grow into plants much larger than the seeds themselves. A mustard seed doesn't grow into a coconut. It all works out as planned. The most important thing in life is the world that God made us. I don't understand how he made it work, but I'm so glad he did.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Well, it is Wednesday already, how time flies when your having fun... or not having fun, for that matter. This evening and Thursday evening and Saturday, I'll be helping my son=in-law D'Artagnon put up a fence. More manual labor for the old man. I'm getting too old for this.

Last night was the last class for CADD, the second class starts June 5th. Don't know if I'll be able to take it yet but hopefully I will. It is a really interesting program and can cut my design time significantly. Of course I need to find someone to give me a job in it because the bloody thing costs almost $4000. Who's got that kind of money lying around, and if you do, could you lend me the 4 grand to get the program? Yeah, I thought so.

Well, I've decided that I need to find more blogs to read. All the ones I normally read are posting less than I do, come on y'all, get busy! Things to do people to see. I'm going to close this out now. If I can lift my arms above my waist tomorrow I'll post more.



At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm posting every couple of days again, the least you could do is post twice a week!


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