Another Eden

A seed, some as large as a coconut, others as small as a mustard seed. They grow into plants much larger than the seeds themselves. A mustard seed doesn't grow into a coconut. It all works out as planned. The most important thing in life is the world that God made us. I don't understand how he made it work, but I'm so glad he did.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Loads of fun, but is he exhausting!

For all you non-believers out there, here you go, proof that there are lions at the OKC Zoo. Well, at least there is one lion there. Most of the time you can't see them because they are hiding behind the hill but when we took Maddox to the zoo on Saturday one of the lionesses finally showed herself! She was much less interested in looking at us than we were at looking at her! You wouldn't believe all the people that clustered around the glass trying to get shots of her.

We had a fun time with the little monster but boy can he wear you out! It was our own fault. Jill and Jeff dropped him off about two in the afternoon and we went to the zoo. When Kathy and I were worn out from the zoo we decided to take him to Pizza Inn for dinner (buffet night, very cheap, don't worry, we just ate the toppings and salads and left the crusts) where he scarfed down about a pound of spaghetti (well, about a pound of spaghetti was fed to him, he's still a fairly sloppy eater) and assorted veggies and jello. The jello was a big hit, believe me. Then Kathy wanted to run to Steinmart for a little while. And then we took him home and gave him a bath and got him ready for bed. Of course by then he wasn't sleepy any more, just cranky! Finally, about 10:30 he decided to give it up only to come to the conclusion that 5:50 was a great time to get up! We thought Jill and Jeff were going to come spend the night but they stayed with a friend of theirs so Kathy let him cry for a minute thinking that they would get up with him, so by the time she went in and got him he was good and worked up. He definitely wasn't happy with his papi when I decided that he needed to drink the juice I got him that morning instead of the juice he had had the night before! Who knew he would prefer warm, stale watered down juice to fresh icy juice? Well, apparently I should have!

Anyway, Jill and Jeff came over to get him about 7:30 so Kathy and I could go to church. Ha fooled them! We were so tired we cut church and went back to bed! Of course then the problem was we couldn't take an afternoon nap! I hate no Sunday afternoon nap! So the upshot is, we will go to Northwest Baptist next week and try out the Sunday School.

For all of you that have been praying for my mother, and I guess for those of you that haven't, she had the glaucoma surgery and came through well. I guess I don't understand what glaucoma is. Apparently, they use a laser and shoot a hole through the iris and enlarge it enough so it won't close up on its own. This allows the excess pressure to be released and somehow the eyeball doesn't just collapse. If anyone out there can explain it to me I'd appreciate it! SOOOO, next Monday she goes back to the opthamologist and they check the hole and if it is ok then they do the left eye. I don't know what the heck they do if it isn't ok.

And while you are praying for my mother (oh, come on, like you have anything better to do than pray) you could go ahead and mention my daughter Alison. She lives down in Ft Worth where she is going to seminary and she is going to have surgery this Friday to remove a growth from under her wisdom teeth. They don't know yet what kind of growth it is yet, but she has managed to talk to a couple of thousand people who all know someone who knows someone who knows someone who had this and lost a jaw or died or ended up having their head collapse into their neck. Needless to say, my only advice to her was to stop talking to those people! Anyway, she is a tad anxious, so if you could all just send up some prayers for calm and healing between now and Friday I would appreciate it.

Back on less stressful matters, here's a quick pick of Maddox sharing secrets with a friend.And just to prove that he does sleep sometimes, not often and not long maybe, but sometimes.

Take care of yourselves. But most of all, take care of someone else. Work this week to convince one person that they are important!



At 6:37 PM, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

Maddox is adorable! I'm really looking forward to grandbabies some day. : )

I will definitely continue praying for your Mom and begin praying for your daughter.

Have a great week.


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