Another Eden

A seed, some as large as a coconut, others as small as a mustard seed. They grow into plants much larger than the seeds themselves. A mustard seed doesn't grow into a coconut. It all works out as planned. The most important thing in life is the world that God made us. I don't understand how he made it work, but I'm so glad he did.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Well, the weekend is almost upon us. Kathy and I are having some friends from her work over tomorrow so today Jill came over and cleaned house. Well, she tried to clean house and what she got done (which was a lot) looked great, unfortunately, Maddox wasn't feeling too good and when Maddox hasn't feeling good he let's everyone know about it! He wouldn't let anyone else hold him, well, I fib, he would let Kathy hold him, as long as she was walking around, mostly he wouldn't let me hold him, the little monster.

Oh well, like I said, we're having people over tomorrow even though Kathy doesn't feel all that good. She has a rather bad cold that won't let her sleep comfortably. I don't talk about it too much since I'm the one who gave it to her. I took her to the doctor today and he gave her a script for cough medicine and then we took the script to Target to get it filled and their computers were down so it was several hours before we could get the syrup and then Kathy just took it a little while ago so I'm hoping that she'll just sleep through the night and catch up a little. She told her doc to prescribe the big bottle so I would have some when she gave it back to me so I guess we know what her plan is.

I'll try and get some pictures of everybody at the party. You really haven't seen fun until you've seen an accountant blowout! Sometimes they get so wild they take out their pocket protectors and run around with scissors! Ok, enough ragging on accountants.

I don't know why but Susan told Kathy that I needed to post some pictures of some silk arrangements I did (she hasn't even seen them) and when Kathy and Susan talked last night I don't know whether Susan said something about it or Kathy just thought of it but she asked if I had and I hadn't so here they are.

Anyway, I will try to post a little Sunday or Monday about the party (Susan says I have to keep this thing up so she'll have something to do when she escapes the hospital) and hopefully I'll have pictures.

By the way, has anybody out there changed over to Blogger Beta? They try to get me to change over every time I sign on and I almost did the other day but then I read something in their warnings about all the url's will change so I don't know if I read it right or misunderstood or just panicked (actually, my computer makes me panic at least once a day whether I'm on it or not. Did you know that the NSA reads everything that goes over the internet? I also heard that they have hired my high school English teacher and she is sitting at some desk somewhere and critiquing my prose! She didn't like me all that much 33 years ago and she is probably still having nightmares about the fact that I came to school on senior ditch day and the week after graduation. Boy, it just gives me the willies!) Anyway, you know it isn't really paranoia if they are out to get you.

Ok, if anybody can reassure me that my blog won't end up circling around Jupiter or something then I guess I could switch over to beta. So if anyone has any info it would be appreciated.

Take care of yourselves and God bless.



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